Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'm Already Driving on the Wrong Side!

Today I decided to take a closer look at Aberystwyth town, courtesy of Google Earth.  I love the road view tool: I am driving right down the streets that I will be strolling soon enough!  I can't wait, seriously.

Utilizing Google Earth is truly amazing.  There are pictures, people, sunny birds singing to me about a new day to dream upon a cloud and reach for the sun beams! I went a little Disney there, sorry (I have been watching Pocahontas and Pocahontas II today).  It is actually a really great tool.  So far I have used it to find the drugstore, a couple of restaurants, and the dorms that I could be being staying (yea, I still don't know where I will be living, but it's all good).

I am a pretty obsessive researcher when it comes to this kind of thing, I think that is why I like it so much. It is very stalker-esque, but having a realistic picture in my head of what the town looks like will hopefully help with the build up of my mental map - you know that picture you have in your head of everything that is in you r town and how to get there.  I am sure that I will get a map of Aber once there, that the first few days will be spent exploring and walking the town, but really I could go so much further in knowing the layout of the town and where everything is.  I can get that anal, but really when I do, I set lofty goals and then get frustrated when they are not met perfectly.

Another beautiful way I have been sneaking peeks at my host town is with Instagram.  Just jot the word Aberystwyth into the search box and BAM! out comes some incomparable shots of the town from the eyes of locals and passers-through.  I, myself, have tapped follow for AndrewParryPhotography who apparently has been travelling around the U.K.  His pictures are particularly pleasant little nature shots: j.k., j.k., they're AMAZING!

This is short, but I just wanted to share my infatuation with ways to view my soon-to-be-home with all you guys.  Maybe you can pop onto Google (or Bing) and check it out when you get confused about pictures I am posting and where they are at. I know I get that way when I read stuff: I just gotta know!!!

The statue that has been circling my dreams, lately.  

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